Shigaraki School. In terms of Japan Week 2 Mizutani Kengo (Japanese ceramics), Oleg Kotelnikov (aquarelle) Tea ceremony by Ms. Junko Fujikava

Shigaraki School. In terms of Japan Week 2 Mizutani Kengo (Japanese ceramics), Oleg Kotelnikov (aquarelle) Tea ceremony by Ms. Junko Fujikava

Shigaraki School.

In terms of Japan Week 2. Mizutani Kengo (Japanese ceramics), Oleg Kotelnikov (aquarelle). Tea ceremony by Ms Junko Fujikava

Neoclassical Cinema

Neoclassical Cinema

Neoclassical Cinema.

Demonstration of neoacademist movies in terms of St. Petersburg’s Svjetopis exhibition.

Booklet. The turn of the century often witnesses a reassessment of the cultural heritage of the past. The refined technologies of printing, once believed lost, have now been revived by the professors of the New Academy of Fine Arts — T. Novikov, D. Yegelsky, A. Medvedev, Y. Ostrov and S. Makarov. Continue reading

Perpetually moved…

Perpetually moved…

the exhibition “Perpetually moved…”

The works of V. Afonitchev, A. Belkin, Guerasimov, V. Guerasimenko, L. Kazbekov, D. Kaminker, L. Lazarev, A. Lotsman, V. Ljukka, V. Mikhailov, T. Novikov, V. Ovtchinnikov, I. Orlov, V. Potapov, S. Sergueev, A. Usov, E. Figurina, A.Tchegin, N. Shaliakin, V. Shinkarev